Look, the chances you’re going to sleep in the same position all night, every night, is pretty rare. Moving and shifting, whether you’re trying to get comfy or you don’t even realize you’re doing it, is part of your sleep patterns.
However, sleeping on your right side will probably wake you up at some point. If you can, avoid this position even if it feels comfortable. Of course, that’s not always easy, and if you do, you’ll be fine. It’s not the best for your body, though, which is why you’ll probably interrupt your sleep, even with aches and pains.
According to Johns Hopkins, sleeping on the right side puts unnecessary pressure on the right lung, liver, stomach, and heart. Shoulder pain, numbness, and that pinched nerve are also real possibilities if you sleep this way for too long.
Then there’s heartburn and acid reflux. The second you start to feel that annoying, burning, sometimes painful feeling, if you immediately move to your left side, it will disappear. You see, the pressure that sleeping or lying on your right side puts on your tummy causes your stomach contents to flow back up your esophagus.
According to the Healthline website, this is because your stomach and its gastric juices are higher than the esophagus. It’s the opposite when you sleep on your left side.
According to the Sleep Foundation website, sleep is what restores and repairs your body, which is why we spend 35% of our lives sleeping. Your sleep position either helps or hinders this process.
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You know how important sleep is, so it’s super healthy to do everything you can to get the most out of it, including sleeping on your left side.
According to the website ThoughtNova, you have a network of vessels in your brain that play a crucial role in waste and toxins removal from your brain. Your body is most productive and efficient with this when you’re sleeping on your left side.
While the right side isn’t the healthiest, sleeping on your stomach is the worst because of the unnatural and added pressure on your spine.
Don’t forget that pillow or pile of blankets between your knees to keep your spine as straight as possible. If you’re sleeping on your back for a bit, put the blankets or pillows under your knees.
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